OAuth applications are used to grant access to a user's data in a third-party application. When a user grants access to an OAuth application, the application receives an access token that can be used to access the user's data.
Understanding Impact
Business Impact
If a user grants access to a malicious third-party application, for instance through social engineering, the application can access the user's data and perform actions on their behalf.
Technical Impact
Malicious OAuth applications have been used in the wild, in particular through phishing campaigns. Once the user has authorized the third-party application, the attacker can use the access token to access the user's data such as Office 365 mailbox, independently of whether the user has MFA enforced.
- Step 1: The attacker creates a malicious cross-tenant Azure AD application, and configures it to request "delegated permissions" to user data.
- Step 2: The attacker creates a redirect URL for the malicious application and sends it to a victim user.
- Step 3: The victim clicks on the link, and is redirected to the malicious application's consent page.
- Step 4: The victim grants the required permissions to the malicious application by clicking the "Allow access" button.
- Step 5: The victim is redirected to an attacker-controlled page, and the malicious application receives an access token to access the victim's data through the Microsoft Graph API.
When a user grants access to a third-party Azure AD application, a Consent to application
event is logged in Azure AD Audit logs. This event contains the application ID of the application that was granted access, the user who granted access, and the permissions granted.
Sample event (shortened for clarity):
"category": "ApplicationManagement",
"result": "success",
"activityDisplayName": "Consent to application",
"initiatedBy": {
"user": {
"id": "c1aa0ae0-d18e-4eb3-92de-fea8ec3436b2",
"userPrincipalName": "victim-user@domain.tld",
"ipAddress": ""
"targetResources": [
"id": "7507edf1-ab3a-47a4-9267-05eb5ae8052c",
"displayName": "Malicious OAuth App",
"type": "ServicePrincipal",
"modifiedProperties": [
"displayName": "ConsentAction.Permissions",
"oldValue": null,
"newValue": "(...)Scope: openid offline_access People.Read Contacts.Read.Shared Mail.Read"
There's also been reported cases of attackers creating a malicious application inside the victim's tenant in order to compromise other accounts. To prevent this, prevent users from creating applications in your tenant (by default, all users can create applications).
How Datadog can help
Cloud SIEM
Datadog Cloud SIEM detects this attack using the out-of-the-box rule "Potential Illicit Consent Grant attack via Azure registered application".
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Six Months of Researching OAuth Application Attacks
RogueApps | Known malicious applications
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Configure the admin consent workflow
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